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Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. e-invoicing methods like XML invoicing are used by trading partners, such as customers and their suppliers, to present and monitor transactional documents between one another and ensure the terms of their trading agreements are being met. Many of our International customers follow the XML invoicing standards and we have offered XML invoicing to them. We have developed a portal for XML invoicing in coordination and support of IT Department so that we can offer e-invoicing to Air India. The portal is capable of resending the erroneous Air India billing from ASF itself. XML invoicing has provided us a secure electronic tracking and storage of invoices ensuring integrity; and handling of high volumes of such invoices with enhanced security and compliance.
ERP team in coordination with Aviation Team and PWC is instrumental in developing a System Driven Quote Management & Approval process, which is a specialized tool to record and manage information such as prices and products and cover everything related to quotes and proposals. This application is designed to automate quotations and improve sales efficiency. It will help us in generating and sending quotations, maintaining and tracking quote process, reporting and approvals. It will make it a lot easier to record and maintain all the information needed for generating quotations and significantly reduces the time it takes to prepare and send a quotation compared to manual methods. This Quote Management application on CRM Portal will bring efficiency and transparency in the complete process starting from the initiation to the final approval.